Awakened Journey

personal freedom and conscious wellbeing for ourselves & our world


 Welcome to Awakened Journey 

A free online global Community

  Connection, Courses, Inspiration, and Global Community 
for people on the path to greater wellbeing and a healthy conscious world

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An online global community for those who are ready to shift ~ gently

When we celebrate the beauty of our design, when we enjoy and feel gratitude for our body, mind, spirit and planet with love, we live in balance and allow harmony to shine from our core.

 About Us: Click Here

Announcement:  As of January 2015 Awakened Journey is no longer accepting new members. Thank you for your interest. Enjoy our archives. The site remains open for members and readers.

  Awakened Journey's membership represents over 40 countries & counting

About Us

Walking the Path to Enlightened Consciousness

 Our mission is simple. It is to awaken more and more to the truth of who we are, and to provide a community where those on the path to greater personal freedom and conscious wellbeing can connect, share, and grow together.

Our Story. Awakened Journey was founded in 2008 with the intent to support, connect and inspire others on the journey of awakening and embodying the truth of who we are as integrated human divine beings.

We are spiritual warriors who walk the middle road knowing that healing - recovery (restoration) - freedom is the enlightened path. Awakened Journey specializes in restoring wellbeing (consciousness) while living in an unconscious and often chaotic world, and expands that mission into sharing teachings that can lead toward the full awakening of an individual's whole True Divine Self. Our goal is to live and create from our true wild joyful essence, and to integrate that into every aspect of our lives as the free and whole human/divine beings that we are.

Since its creation in 2008 Awakened Journey has grown and expanded to serve as a free and open online global community for anyone walking a conscious path in their lives and we have members in over 40 countries from across the globe sharing their paths and doing amazing things in the world.

Our prayer and common intent is that all sentient beings are liberated from suffering, and that each of us comes to know that this Earth and our precious incarnations here are the most sacred gifts in the universe. May all sentient beings be blessed with a humanity (stewardship) that is fully awakened to the natural wellbeing, consciousness, beauty, joy, abundance and freedom that is what the earth journey, and Earth herself, is all about. The work shared on site aims to inspire the integration of wholeness in life and to support us so gently and beautifully into the embodiment of integrated peace and personal freedom. #Love

If you are ready to expand and share your journey of living consciously from your own true joyful essence, join us.

A co-creative site dedicated to the spiritual warrior and the enlightenment of our world

Awakened Journey Membership represents the following countries:

USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, UK, Ireland, Finland, Brazil, Algeria, Germany, India, Nigeria, Spain, Portugal, Argentina, Peru, Italy, Egypt, France, Austria, Iraq, Netherlands, China, Barbados, Afghanistan, Greece, Turkey, Thailand, South Africa, Ghana, Kenya, Budapest, Cyprus, Morocco, Croatia, Czech Republic, Pakistan, Mali, Philippines, Senegal, Mexico, Guatemala, Sweden, Venezuela... 

Awakened Journey-Awakened Recovery is an online global web-community

Blog Posts

Beautiful Reminders for Empaths

3 Key Practices for Empaths/HSPs
Being a sensitive person can be a confusing complicated thing in this still harsh world. It feels intuitively right to open, to feel, to enhearten our daily life, but the world is still vibrating at a more armored and edgy place. It is not yet attuned to the ways of the open heart. So what to do? We don’t want to deaden our capacity to feel, but if we feel too much, we get run over by an often heartless world. I have found my best answer in three places...

Posted by Alexa on May 20, 2023 at 1:15am

Sun Salutation

Sun Salutation Chant 
The sun salutation chant is an accompaniment to the surya namaskar series of 12 asanas. While the sun salutation as a series is not technically in the Hatha Yoga canon of poses, it is done quite often as a warm-up, cool-down, or integrated into a yoga practice session alone.
Step-by-Step Sun Salutation Chant

Posted by Alexa on May 20, 2023 at 12:42am

Blue Full Moon Altar

This is my and Eric's full blue moon altar which captures the view of the full-moon through the window as you can see. Each candle has one of our gratitudes or prayers written on it, one candle for each of us and the 3rd written together. This is a simple ritual you can create in a moon-facing window tonight. Choose a colored or white candle that speaks to you, center yourself, and write down a prayer, gratitude, intention or your current sankalpa (a heartfelt vow or intention you are holding or devoted to) that you would like to or are working with at this time. Write the word or prayer on the candle, and light the candle as a sign of offering your prayer up to the Divine. Whatever we focus on during the full moon is often felt as being magnified. So consider being intentional with what you are feeling,…


Posted by Alexa on April 9, 2023 at 12:30am

Energy Upgrade 2020

Music, dance and movement and sitting on the earth are great ways to support & balance ascension affects on the body at this momentous time of unknown and collective crisis

It's been a long time since I've posted but I felt compelled to drop a little note to our old beloved site.

Our bodies and the structures of our worlds are undergoing a massive accelerated experience towards systemic and global change. Ascension energy and an urgent need for collective paradigmic shift is continually impacting every cell and system in the body including endocrine, circulatory, digestive, immunological and all aspects of our complex highly sensitive and empathic nervous…


Posted by Alexa on June 20, 2020 at 3:30am

The Power of Letting Go: Who or What Are You Ready to Forgive?

Fall is the Season of Letting Go

Just like trees let go of old dead leaves, forgiveness is a letting go of something that no longer serves and is ready to be released. 

Yes, grief, anger or heartache appeared on your path as you recovered from difficult experiences and legitimate emotional traumas of the past. These feelings were strong loving ally messengers with important information for you to hear and respond to, or teaching you about your humanity and need for self care as you navigate the hurts and experiences of human life.

However, now you find yourself some significant amount of time later, and…


Posted by Alexa on September 26, 2017 at 3:30am

The play of your life

When you arrived to this world, you chose to be a certain way and asked the universe to give you what was needed for the experience you chose to have. The cause of all that happens to you is the person you have chosen to experience.

It all boils down to the part you have chosen to play in this existence, which is the cause and the effect of everything that you now manifest. At a given moment since the beginning of your existence, you have decided to experience a form of being and according to that your life proceeds without even being aware of your decisions.

Your experiences while you relate to others are the result of the experience you selected. The original cause of everything you live is the direct result of your choice even though the illusion allows you to believe that everything happens to you but that is not possible. You are the creator…


Posted by Jocelyne Ramniceanu on December 18, 2012 at 10:25am

Creators of inner peace

The dramas that we go through, some with more intensity and other more bearable come from our mind which is divided between what we believe and what we truly are. Everything we see in the world is a true reflection of who we believe we are. Our experiences are the mirror of our deepest programing. We live in duality and we feel victims of the people that surround us, like our families, friends, coworkers or partners; and we tend to blame the external world for everything that happens to us. Duality is a state of mind where drama is part of our lives and we stay trapped draining our energies and suffering.

We don’t know who we are and we identify ourselves with the roles we perform. We feel apart and alone. This is an illusion of duality, same as feeling we are at the mercy of the outside world and our circumstances. Sadly, that is our programing, and to…


Posted by Jocelyne Ramniceanu on December 24, 2012 at 9:00am

LOTUS SUTRA: Second Chapter


Myoho renge kyo — The wonderful Law of the Lotus Sutra

Ho ben pon dai ni: Skillful Ways

Ni Ji Se Son — There the World Honored One 

Ju San Mai — Quietly came up 

An Jo Ni Ki — From his samadhi 

Go Shari Hotsu — And said to…


Posted by Alexa on August 28, 2017 at 3:00pm — 1 Comment


Namaste I

My soul recognizes your soul


Namaste II

I honor the place in you in which the entire Universe dwells.

I honor the place in you that is of love, of truth, of light, and of peace.

 When you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me

 We are One.

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5.2010 - 12.2012

founded in 2008


Membership Rules and Agreements:

No spamming, selling or promotion of personal goods or services.
No spamming of religious materials.
This is a clean community and does not permit discussion of current drug use.
All paths and faiths are honored here.
All persons are welcome.
Violators of membership agreements will be promptly dismissed.
Awakened Journey is a space for learning, sharing, growing, celebration, support, friendship, fun and inspiration.

Awakened Journey Membership represents the following countries:

USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, UK, Ireland, Finland, Brazil, Algeria, Germany, India, Nigeria, Spain, Portugal, Argentina, Peru, Italy, Egypt, France, Austria, Iraq, Netherlands, China, Barbados, Afganistan, Greece, Turkey, Thailand, South Africa, Ghana, Kenya, Budapest, Cyprus, Morocco, Croatia, Czech Republic, Pakistan, Mali, Philippines, Senegal, Mexico, Guatemala, Sweden, Venezuela... 


Awakened Journey is a Site created by Alexa Major Zipf 2008


For the benefit of all is an online global community creating personal freedom and conscious wellbeing for ourselves and our world



 May we be at peace
May our hearts stay open
May we remember the light of our own true nature
May we and all beings be completely healed

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Sukadev Bretz posted a video

Mantra for Worldpeace | Om Namo Narayanaya by Felizitas

Om Namo Narayanaya - Mantra for WorldpeaceThis mantra is above all a peace mantra: we sing it to bring peace energy into the whole world. It is also a mantra...
Oct 5
Sukadev Bretz posted a video

Jay Ambe by Sonya from Mantra Circle

Dm C Dm C Dmjay ambe jagad-ambe mātā bhavānī jay ambe Dm F C ...
Sep 1
Sukadev Bretz posted a video

Sundaram & Friends - Hare Krishna

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Hare Hare Mahamantra , ( Sanskrit : महामन्त्र mahāmantra) means "Great Mantra", ...
Aug 2
Sukadev Bretz posted a video

Sundaram & Friends - Shri Ganesha

Performed by Sundaram and Friends at Yoga Vidya Easter Concert 2024 can share the video with others, to sp...
Jul 2
Sukadev Bretz posted a video

Sundaram & Friends - He Govinda He Vasudeva

He Govinda He VasudevaPerformed by Sundaram and Friends at Yoga Vidya Easter Concert 2024www.sundaram.de
May 31
Sukadev Bretz posted a video

Chandrika & Ludwig sing Namastasyai Namo Namaha | Satsang excerpt

Namas Tasyai Namas TasyaiNamas Tasyai Namo NamahOm Shanti OmThis is a cover from Sundarum and you can find the original on
Apr 5
Sukadev Bretz posted a video

Sita Ram, by Ramadasa, Radha and others

A wonderful version of Sita Ram, performed by Ramadasa (harmonium and vocal) and Radha (vocal) and accompanied by Ramani (vocal), Franziska (drum), Sonya (vo...
Mar 6
Sukadev Bretz posted a video

He Prabho by Mantra Circle

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Feb 1


Daily Source - Today's Meditation 220 Replies

Started by Alexa. Last reply by Jane Jones Jan 4, 2012.

What are you Celebrating today? 87 Replies

Started by Alexa. Last reply by Alexa Jan 15, 2010.


Started by dean meason. Last reply by dean meason Apr 9, 2014.

What is your Intention?... 46 Replies

Started by Alexa. Last reply by Maria Benavides Dec 21, 2011.

Our Mission

Walking the Path to Enlightened Consciousness

 Our mission is simple. It is to awaken more and more to the truth of who we are, and to provide a community where those on the path to greater personal freedom and wellbeing can connect, share, and grow together.

A cocreative site dedicated to the spiritual warrior and the enlightenment of our world. 

Come connect, share and grow with us!

 Tips for getting started

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